July Affirmations 2023

July Affirmations 2023

“Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion.” -Bell Hooks

As someone who prides herself on having done “the work”, two things I know for certain are that a. the work is never done, and b. the work is nothing without practice. I Love my isolation, I Love to retreat and figure it out, but I have to have people (Loved ones and otherwise) to show me that I can show up in the world as the person I want to be. No amount of being cooped up with myself, even with endless meditation and reading, can ever amount to what is gained by interacting with others.

Even when it’s triggering, that’s a good thing. It’s learning and it’s fine-tuning. Healing comes in many different packages, but I encourage us all to not underestimate the communal one. It’s so easy to think that healing means being alone, some of it, maybe, but we are here on earth to guide one another. So, let people do that.

Here are some affirmations for us:

I am thankful for community.

I know that I’ve been paired with the best people to assist in my growth.

Even conflict with others can serve me.

Going at it alone is an option, not a necessity.

I learn more about myself from my connection with others.

I am a source for others’ growth.

I am never alone.

Sending You so much Love as we enter the 7th month of this year. You are not alone. I Love You.