Bri StoriesComment

October Affirmations 2023

Bri StoriesComment
October Affirmations 2023

This one feels like I should just start with the quote…

“With awareness comes responsibility” -Devi Brown

I am aware that I probably should have written this piece as soon as I came across this quote. A week or so later, I can remember that I felt something strong when I heard Devi say it (so much so that I wrote it down), but I’m no longer as connected to what that strong feeling was. Hence the reason I started with the quote, you know, to conjure something up again. 

Ah. Here it is. 

So many of us are on our healing journey (or in our healing era, as the girlies say) and that could look like so many things. For Me, in this stage, it looks like knowing; not just knowing, but knowing that I know. In some mental states, I hate this. I hate knowing, because ignorance, I thought, is bliss. When You don’t know, You can’t be held accountable, but that certainly doesn’t keep You from the consequence of stunting your growth. 

So, in the space of accepting that I do know, I have to take responsibility for what I do with that knowing. I have to recognize that with that knowing, I’m given a choice, and it’s up to Me to choose what is of the greatest good to myself. Now that I know that certain habits, for instance, keep Me further from my values, I can either choose to draw closer to the Me I want to be, or I can continue to broaden the space between where I’ve been and where I want to go. 

If You can relate, these affirmations are for You too: 

I choose to do the best with what I know. 

I am made aware for my highest good. 

I am responsible for my healing and growth. 

I am thankful for the ability to guide myself. 

I am ready to know myself deeply. 

I remain open to learning and to shifting old perspectives. 

I trust myself. 

Sending You Love this month and every month. Happy October!